Hi, I'm |

  • Software Developer
  • Based In Tasikmalaya 🇮🇩

Enthusiastic to continue working in the field of technology, especially websites. Experienced in creating websites that focus on frontend development.


My professional career journey

Download CV
Solusi 247

Frontend Developer

Solusi 247

  • Yogyakarta

1 August 2023 - Present

~ 10 Months


services I can provide

Website creation services

Professional offer to create engaging, functional, and responsive websites tailored to your needs.

Website Maintenance Service

Our Maintenance Service ensures your online hub remains flawless. Let us handle the technicalities while you stay focused on your business goals.

Tech Stacks

My coding skills

html5 logo HTML
css logo CSS
tailwindcss logo Tailwindcss
bootstrap logo Bootstrap
javascript logo Javascript
typescript logo Typescript
nodejs logo NodeJS
express logo ExpressJS
firebase logo Firebase
mysql logo Mysql
vite logo Vite
npm logo NPM
react logo React
nextjs logo NextJS
figma logo Figma
blockchain logo Blockchain
solidity logo Solidity
firefly logo
besu logo Hyperledger Besu
git logo Git
github logo Github
docker logo Docker
linux logo Linux
ubuntu logo Ubuntu
nginx logo Nginx
php logo PHP
laravel logo Laravel
chartjs logo Chart JS
jest logo Jest Unit Testing